How to make an HTML number input display 2 decimal places using JavaScript

published: 01 Apr 2022

2 min read

Making an HTML number input display 2 decimal places using JavaScript

If you are using an HTML number input field (<input type='number'>) to collect a dollar amount, here is a little trick to make it always display 2 decimal places using JavaScript.

Let us say you have the following HTML number <input> tag:

<input type='number' id='price' min='0' max='10' step='0.01' value='0.00'>

Now we can attach a change event handler to listen for input changes:

const input = document.querySelector('#price')
input.addEventListener('change', e => {
  // TODO: Format Number Here

Inside the event handler method, we can use the toFixed() method to round the input string to a specified number of decimals:

input.addEventListener('change', e => {
  e.currentTarget.value = parseFloat(e.currentTarget.value).toFixed(2)

How to make an HTML number input display 2 decimal places using JavaScript | Coding Tips And Tricks

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