How to hide and show DOM elements using a CSS class in JavaScript

published: 10 May 2022

2 min read

Hide and show DOM elements using a CSS class in JavaScript

A few days ago, I wrote an article on how to hide and show DOM elements using inline styles in JavaScript. Today, you'll learn to do hide and show elements using CSS classes in JavaScript.

Let us first declare a simple CSS class that hides the element, if applied, by setting display: none:

.hidden {
    display: none;

Next, say we have the following <button> element:

<button>Click Me</button>

Now if you want to hide the above button from the DOM, just add the hidden class by using the add() method provided by the classList object, like below:

// grab button element
const button = document.querySelector('.btn');

// hide it

To show the element again, simply removes the hidden class by using the classList.remove() method:


While inline styles work perfectly to toggle the element visibility, the CSS class gives you more flexibility to control the behavior like this.

Creating hide() & Show() Methods

The classList object provides a bunch of methods to add, remove, and toggle CSS classes from an element in vanilla JavaScript.

Let us use classList to create our own jQuery-like hide(), show(), and toggle() methods in pure JavaScript:

// hide an element
const hide = (elem) => {

// show an element
const show = (elem) => {

// toggle the element visibility
const toggle = (elem) => {

Now, if you want to hide or show any DOM element, just call the above method:

// hide

// show

// toggle

Take a look at this guide to learn more about handling CSS classes in vanilla JavaScript.

How to hide and show DOM elements using a CSS class in JavaScript | Coding Tips And Tricks

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